자연의학대학원 입학 문의

저는 대학, 대학원을 졸업하고 현재 서울에 거주 중인 30대 남성입니다. 유학관련 문의드립니다.

1. 저는 자연의학닥터(Doctor of Naturopathy, ND)관련 대학원 진학을 염두에 두고 있는데요 목표 대학원은 일단은 다음과 같습니다만, 동일과정의 다른 대학원들도 조사 중입니다. 

Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA

Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, AZ

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

2. 조사해보니 몇가지 requirement가 있습니다. 주로 의대와 유사한 prerequisite 과정들을 요구하던데요.

* Bastyr University
College-level Algebra: 1 course
Chemistry (science-major level): at least 4 courses. Must include a minimum of either two sequential courses in organic chemistry or one course in organic chemistry and one course in biochemistry. The chemistry sequence should include an introduction to biological molecules. (The standard prerequisite for science-major level organic chemistry is one year of general chemistry.) Appropriate lab work required.
General Biology (science-major level): 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Must cover concepts in cellular biology and genetics. Appropriate lab work required. Individual courses in the biological sciences may count if the above competencies are met, i.e., anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and botany.
Physics: 1 college-level course. It must be algebra-based; calculus-based is also acceptable. A lab is not required.
Psychology: 1 course. Introduction to psychology is recommended.

* Southwest College

?12 semester credits in biology with labs (for science majors)
?3 semester credits in general organic chemistry with lab (for science majors)
?3 semester credits in biochemistry OR an additional 3 semester credits in organic chemistry (for science majors)
?6 semester credits in psychology (Developmental psychology is recommended. Behavioral or cognitive learning courses will also be considered in lieu of psychology).
?6 semester credits in English (3 credits must be in English composition.)
?6 semester credits in humanities (philosophy, religious studies, fine arts, history, foreign languages, women's studies, performing arts).

* Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

General Biology: May be fulfilled either by a one-year biology course or by two semesters of courses such as anatomy, botany, cell biology, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, or zoology.
Example: Athabasca University - BIOL204-Principles of Biology I and BIOL205-Principles of Biology II
Physiology: May be fulfilled either by a one-year physiology course or a one-year anatomy and physiology course.
Example: McMaster University - HTH SCI 2F03-Human Physiology and Anatomy I and HTH SCI 2FF3-Human Physiology and Anatomy II
Organic Chemistry (with lab): Course must cover topics such as chemical reactivity, reaction pathways, stereochemistry, alcohols, acetones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, and amines. A lab component is required.
Example: McGill University - CHEM212-Intro to Organic Chemistry
Psychology: May be fulfilled either by one semester of introductory psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology, or other similar courses.
Example: University of Toronto - PSY100Y-Introductory Psychology or Athabasca University - PSYC290-General Psychology
environmental science

3. 따라서 저는 대학원 근처의 community college에서 위의 과정들을 이수하고 대학원으로 진학하는 경로를 고려 중입니다. 지금 제 상황에서 가장효율적이고 빠르게 ND대학원으로 지학할수있는 방법이 있는지 있다면 어떤 경로가 가능한지 알고싶습니다.


대학원 입학전 미국CC에서 공부하기 벨뷰 컬리지


대학원 진학시 학부에서 꼭 들어야하는 선수과목들을 채우기 위해서

커뮤니티 컬리지로 진학을 하는 경우가 많습니다.

커뮤니티 컬리지가 2년 과정이긴하지만 꼭 2년을 채우지 않고 원하는

수업을 들은 뒤에 대학원 과정으로 진학하면 됩니다.

추천하는 학교는 벨뷰 컬리지입니다.

전체 인원이 3만명 정도되는 시애틀 최고의 컬리지입니다.

학교 규모가 큰 학교라서 원하는 수업들을 모두 수강할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다.

개설되어 있는 과목이 많기 때문에 대학원 진학을 위한 선수과목이수에

최적의 학교이며 학교가 위치한 곳이 매우 안전한 곳이며 시애틀 시내와도 가깝습니다.

벨뷰 컬리지에 대한 정보는 아래 게시글을 읽어보세요.



궁금한 점은 다시 문의해 주세요.



추신 : 벨뷰 컬리지는 Baytyr university에서 20-30분 거리 학교입니다.

=========== 질문글 ============

저는 대학, 대학원을 졸업하고 현재 서울에 거주 중인 30대 남성입니다. 유학관련 문의드립니다.

1. 저는 자연의학닥터(Doctor of Naturopathy, ND)관련 대학원 진학을 염두에 두고 있는데요 목표 대학원은 일단은 다음과 같습니다만, 동일과정의 다른 대학원들도 조사 중입니다. 

Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA

Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, AZ

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

2. 조사해보니 몇가지 requirement가 있습니다. 주로 의대와 유사한 prerequisite 과정들을 요구하던데요.

* Bastyr University
College-level Algebra: 1 course
Chemistry (science-major level): at least 4 courses. Must include a minimum of either two sequential courses in organic chemistry or one course in organic chemistry and one course in biochemistry. The chemistry sequence should include an introduction to biological molecules. (The standard prerequisite for science-major level organic chemistry is one year of general chemistry.) Appropriate lab work required.
General Biology (science-major level): 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Must cover concepts in cellular biology and genetics. Appropriate lab work required. Individual courses in the biological sciences may count if the above competencies are met, i.e., anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and botany.
Physics: 1 college-level course. It must be algebra-based; calculus-based is also acceptable. A lab is not required.
Psychology: 1 course. Introduction to psychology is recommended.

* Southwest College

?12 semester credits in biology with labs (for science majors)
?3 semester credits in general organic chemistry with lab (for science majors)
?3 semester credits in biochemistry OR an additional 3 semester credits in organic chemistry (for science majors)
?6 semester credits in psychology (Developmental psychology is recommended. Behavioral or cognitive learning courses will also be considered in lieu of psychology).
?6 semester credits in English (3 credits must be in English composition.)
?6 semester credits in humanities (philosophy, religious studies, fine arts, history, foreign languages, women's studies, performing arts).

* Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

General Biology: May be fulfilled either by a one-year biology course or by two semesters of courses such as anatomy, botany, cell biology, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, or zoology.
Example: Athabasca University - BIOL204-Principles of Biology I and BIOL205-Principles of Biology II
Physiology: May be fulfilled either by a one-year physiology course or a one-year anatomy and physiology course.
Example: McMaster University - HTH SCI 2F03-Human Physiology and Anatomy I and HTH SCI 2FF3-Human Physiology and Anatomy II
Organic Chemistry (with lab): Course must cover topics such as chemical reactivity, reaction pathways, stereochemistry, alcohols, acetones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, and amines. A lab component is required.
Example: McGill University - CHEM212-Intro to Organic Chemistry
Psychology: May be fulfilled either by one semester of introductory psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology, or other similar courses.
Example: University of Toronto - PSY100Y-Introductory Psychology or Athabasca University - PSYC290-General Psychology
environmental science

3. 따라서 저는 대학원 근처의 community college에서 위의 과정들을 이수하고 대학원으로 진학하는 경로를 고려 중입니다. 지금 제 상황에서 가장효율적이고 빠르게 ND대학원으로 지학할수있는 방법이 있는지 있다면 어떤 경로가 가능한지 알고싶습니다.